MD Azim hossain Rashed , CHITTAGONG , BANGLADESH , Mobile : 01674247070


Averrhoa carambola

Averrhoa carambola:

Averrhoa carambola
This time drstinandana averrhoa carambola fruit. Vitamin C - in full averrhoa carambola. The hair, skin, nails and teeth on. Research has shown, those who are on a full stomach (a kidney disease who do not must) averrhoa carambola Khan, their hair, skin, nails and teeth is relatively bright, the bhangurahina. Contemporary war against the infectious rogagulora averrhoa carambola. These results help to reduce the extra fat in human body fat. The kidanite stones, which are factors that people should completely avoid this result. In those long years of diabetes, obesity and heart disease are poor, they also fit in this list. It was not pustihina averrhoa carambola. It is high in vitamin A and C. For growing children, players, this result is useful for ayathaletadera. No, no fat or fat kamaranaya. As a result of drinking the blood sugar or fat does not increase risk. The fiber is that it is constipation, stomach cancer far. Dal or curry sauce with additional cooking and love to eat. However, this results in any circumstances, do not eat empty stomach.

It is important to increase the brightness of the skin. This result reduces the amount of acne. The teeth and bone structure to the existing mineral labanagulo. There is also a certain amount of zinc. However, during diarrhea or diarrhea for more talk on this list do not eat well because paraparai.

Pharahana mobina
Source: The Daily Star, March 14, and 01 of
MD Azim hossain Rashed